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  • Olivia Gilbert

The Bright Side of Corona

Everything has a silver lining. Sometimes you just have to look deeper for the little things that make something less horrible. With COVID-19 spreading throughout the world, there has been much anxiety and fear. People are panicking. People are dying. It’s pretty terrible, but if you’re a half glass full kind of person then you can agree with some of these things.

1. Now you have an excuse not to go out.

This isn’t the end of the world, especially if you’re an introvert. If you are more reserved when it comes to socializing, then you’re in luck! Experts are advising against being around large crowds and recommending social distancing. If you do end up getting the virus, you’ll have to self-quarantine. Think of all the Netflix shows you could binge!

2. You don’t have to feel bad about not going to the gym.

I have a gym membership, but am I getting my money’s worth? No… I don’t remember the last time I went. Now, I’m sure the gym is a less hoppin’ place. If you’re not hitting the gym and getting your pump on, you no longer have to feel bad about it, because it's wise to stay away.

3. Live your best life in quarantine!

If you are one of the people who needs to be quarantined at home, then you’ll have plenty of free time. You could study a new language, learn to play an instrument, practice art or writing or whatever hobby you like to do at home. You can play all the video games in the world! You’ll finally have the freedom that work takes away from you. Make the best of this time!

4. Less work.

This may be a negative to many people who need the money, but it’s a blessing in disguise for those who feel burnt out. Things have been easy and slow at my bakery job, and with the Montgomery County shutdown I now have at least two weeks off from my other job as a swim instructor. Many places of business are being forced to shut down temporarily and so are schools. Take some time to relax!

5. Work from home.

Maybe you’d rather work in the office, but personally I’d love to be able to work from home. I could do all my work while laying in bed and drinking endless amounts of espresso. There will also be less having to deal with annoying coworkers. That's always a plus.

6. Save on gas

Schools and jobs are closing, or switching to online only. That means no more driving to work or to classes. With all the closings, there will be less to do out and about. Most people will just stay home to keep from being infected. You will be saving money by not having to fill your tank as frequently.

If none of those apply to you, at least try to remember that this too shall pass, and it will go down in history. One day you'll be able to tell your children and grandparents about the pandemic you survived and they'll look at you with wide eyes.

Comment if you can think of any more silver linings.

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